TomahawkLincoln County Wisconsin

Lincoln County Wisconsin
Government, Education & Individuals
Lincoln County was created by the Wisconsin Legislature on March 4, 1874, with a population of 895, and land area of 2,750,000 acres. At that time Lincoln County included most of present day Oneida and Vilas Counties, as well as parts of present day Langlade, Taylor, Price and Iron Counties. Lincoln County reached its present size in 1885.
Encompassing almost 900 square miles, or 576,000 acres, in north central Wisconsin, Lincoln County ranks 21st in size among the State's 72 counties. The population (2011) is 28,668. Lincoln County has 2 major cities -- Merrill and Tomahawk -- with Merrill serving as the County seat. There are 16 townships in the County ranging in size from Corning's 92,690 acres to Scott's 20,890 acres. The Town of Corning, ranks 12th in size among all towns in the State of Wisconsin.
Lincoln County has 152 named lakes and 577 unnamed lakes, totaling 15,585 acres. There are 246 streams in the County, 668 miles in length, with 395 miles designated as trout stream.