TomahawkHAVEN, Inc.

Community Organizations Counseling
HAVEN stands for Household Abuse Victims Emergency Network. The organization was founded in 1979 as a free community service. The mission of HAVEN is to provide a safe and confidential environment that empowers all survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault through sheltering, advocacy, and education.
HAVEN’s phone number is 715-536-1300 and is answered 24 hours. Anyone who has questions, and/or the need for help with issues of interpersonal abuse and violence including abuse in marriage/live-in/dating relationships, child abuse, elder abuse and sexual abuse/assault, is encouraged to call.
HAVEN serves adults and children, women and men, people of all races and ethnic groups, and persons with disabilities. Interpretation is available for clients who speak languages other than English or who are deaf. HAVEN provides advocacy for all clients including supportive counseling, safety planning, help connecting with many types of resources and assistance with legal processes and paperwork.
HAVEN services include a secure shelter facility in Merrill for clients who need a safe temporary place to stay.
HAVEN also provides age-appropriate education in the schools and for community groups to promote understanding about and prevention of interpersonal abuse and assault. If you would like more information about educational presentations, please call 715-536-1300.
To request the HAVEN newsletter by mail or e-mail, please call, write or e-mail to add your name and address.
All HAVEN services are confidential and free, with the exception of the fee-based intervention/treatment programs for abusers who are court-ordered or who choose to participate. HAVEN’s work is funded by government and private grants, the Merrill Area United Way, Lincoln County, the Cities of Merrill and Tomahawk, private donations, and fundraisers.